Saturday, April 19, 2008


"Our life is what our thoughts make it. A man will find that as he alters his thoughts toward things and other people, things and other people will alter towards him."
James Allen, 1864-1912, Author of As A Man Thinketh

Our life is driven by our thoughts. What we are thinking about all day long is creating our reality.Thoughts create a chain reaction... you have a Thought, then a Dream, then Desire, next Intention, and then Passion, which creates Feelings, and then Inspiration to take Action, which causes Attraction, and finally you have Gratitude.

This is the sequence of events of how the Law of Attraction works. So... understanding the Law of Attraction is important to manifesting your dreams in your life and your business. The key is understanding! And... understanding the Law of Attraction starts with understanding our thoughts attract.

So... what should we be thinking? What we want or what we don't want?

We have to start to be aware of what we are thinking. It's as easy as watching our thoughts... simply noticing when we are negative through out the day. Just watch and witness, observe and be non judge mental.

Just watch... you may say: "I didn't realize how negative I was." and start to understand that those negative thoughts attract negative events into your life.

"No one is free until they learn to do their own thinking and gain the courage to act on their own personal initiatives."
- Napoleon Hill, 1883-1970, Author of Think and Grow Rich

Visit and get a FREE E-Book called "Tips for Making Life Easier". How to find your Dreams!

Thanks, remember your comments are welcome!

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